Injection Molding Capabilities
Advanced State of the Art Facility
MPR has some of the most advanced injection molding capabilities and can take care of all your molding needs from various size capabilities of components, ultra-precision tolerances, our variety of materials, run size limits, and convenient location.
- Press Sizes – Clamp Tonnage from 30 to 300 tons. Shot size to 24 ounces.
- Tolerances – Ultra-precision (often 50% tighter than SPI “Fine” Designation).
Injection Molding Capabilities on Most Materials
- Materials – Virtually all injection molding grades with the exception of Flouropolymers and PVC. Grades include all high temperature and high performance materials. Fillers include glass, stainless steel, carbon fiber, flexible, talc, lubricants, barium sulphate and many others.
- Run Size – Extreme efficiency at both short and long runs through proprietary one touch exchange of dye systems.
- Location – State-of-the-art precision injection molding plant in Elgin Illinois.